Once upon a time in college I started off the semester by getting ahead in every single class I took. Being a psychology major this mostly meant that I had read and summarized everything I needed to and found the designated number of articles to read on the weekly topics. This gave me ample amount of time to work on the bigger, semester long research papers that always seemed to be due in the same week as one another. My thinking was that giving myself this large bubble of time would help me write better papers. Was this the case? Hahaha! No. Having ample time led me to over estimate how much time I actually had for my papers and I still ended up typing into the wee hours of the morning on almost all my papers. This is what has happened with this Studio Ghibli Swap project. Ugh. I choose a very ambitious (for me) design and forgot to factor life and work into my mental timeline. Monday I realized I was never going to make my original pattern and still meet deadline (or the end ...